The Maker Movement is a huge part of our culture that's here to stay. What started as a small initiative has grown into a national and international phenomenon that not only encourages the launching of numerous small businesses every day, but also motivates everyone to make and craft projects at home as a hobby. As this "New Industrial Revolution" spreads farther, people of all ages, backgrounds, and social groups are getting involved, too.
Today, we want to focus on the crafts in the Maker Movement geared towards its youngest participants: kids. Along with many other craft segments like painting, jewelry making, needle arts, and more, the kids crafts market is certainly booming. In order for your brand to get a better understanding of what makers are looking for when it comes to kids crafts, keep reading for essential statistics, trends, and more.
Kids Crafts Statistics and Demographics

Kids crafts are defined by the AFCI as fun, creative projects created specifically for toddlers, preschoolers, and school-aged children. To get a better understanding of just who and what makes up the kids crafts segment, check out these statistics and demographics from AFCI's 2016 hobby study:
(Of course, these children aren't often the ones buying their own craft supplies, so the survey takes into account the opinions of adults 18+ who purchased and participated in these crafts along with children, which might include parents, family members, and other care givers of all kinds.)
- 37 million Americans participated in children's crafts in 2016.
- Kids crafts represented a market of $7.31 billion in 2016.
- 48% of all crafters believe kids crafts are getting more popular as a hobby.
- 74% bought kids crafts supplies in store (however, almost all makers research products extensively online before making any purchase).
- 63% of participants are female. 37% are male.
- Only 22% consider their skills as expert level (which means the rest have more to learn from your brand).
- 42% of participants are aged 35-54.
- The mean household size for kids crafters is 3.3 people.
- 53% keep the crafts they create. 50% also give the projects as gifts.
- Kids crafts are most strongly correlated with feelings of relaxation (perhaps because the kids are happy and occupied).
Kids Craft Trends
Just like any other craft segment, the kids crafts community is constantly changing and introducing new ideas to remain relevant and interesting to hobbyists. Here are some of the biggest trends in the kids crafts market today.
Craft kits: By and far, the most popular types of kids crafts are those that come in an easy-to-use, curated kit. These convenient kits are incredibly popular for parents on-the-go because they contain everything needed to complete the craft.
- Yarn art: Many of today's new kids crafts are incorporating yarn or thread elements, from wrapped yarn design kits to beginner crochet hooks and patterns.
- Wooden crafts: Ready-made, constructible and paintable wood crafts are also rising in popularity in the children's craft market. Wood crafts easily appeal to children of all genders.
Why Are Kids Crafts Growing in Popularity?
While there might have been a time when kids crafts were reserved for summer camp or Sunday school, today more kids are crafting both inside and outside the classroom. There are plenty of reasons why kids crafts have become an important part of the craft community in recent years. For one thing, as parents, family members, and other adults in a child's life embrace the maker sensibility, they might want to instill the same values of creativity and handiwork in the children in their lives.
Independent of the Maker Movement, craft activities have been proven to be beneficial to a child's development physically and socially. Additionally, the act of completing crafts with children is a great way for families to spend quality time together, away from technology and screens. In an overall sense, kids crafts embody the true spirit of the Maker Movement by encouraging the pride and sense of accomplishment (and fun!) that comes from making something totally from scratch.