Two Peas in a Podcast

by Jackson Richardson | April 14, 2020

Podcasts have overwhelmed the media with an abundance of personalities, topics, and genre enthusiasts. One podcast in particular that is not only heuristic but highly adored is the KEXP Podcast based out of Seattle, Washington.

Origins of Alternative Radio
KEXP was founded by John Kean, Cliff Noonan, Victoria (Tory) Fielder, and Brent Wilcox in 1972. They were four friends and students at KMCU who wanted to broadcast alternative rock and roll to the masses. They were successful and gathered a large following in their prime and were able to transition into the age of digital media. The transition wasn’t difficult given their 25 year rally on the radio - and with the help of Spotify, Youtube, and the world wide web, they have become one of the most prominent podcasts for live music performance.



The Impact of Digital Media
There are a few aspects that reinforce KEXP’s prominent and growing popularity - versatility, honesty, and intimacy. First and foremost, this podcast gives its audience both audio and visual options for viewing. You can listen on Spotify, visit their website, or subscribe to their Youtube and see the performances live. Secondly, the nature of honesty emanates between the artists and the hosts. There is sincerity to the questions, intense appreciation from the hosts, and a raw response from the artists - it seems more real than reality. Lastly, it’s an intimate podcast that makes you feel like you’re right there. The room is small, the artists are unkempt, the lights are dim, and the mood is inviting - it’s the perfect escape for music lovers.


The Artists and The Audience
Its no secret that we all desire to jump on stage and risk arrest to have but a moment of contact with some of our favorite bands - I mean, at least that’s what I’ve heard... and that is what KEXP provides: a moment with you and your favorite bands. It’s also a great environment for discovering new musical acts - I myself have discovered countless acts that I still engage with today. I even recall the emotions I felt for each performance and just how significant those moments were at those points in my life. And despite it being a personal experience, it’s one that is discussed and shared among friends and strangers. I’ve asked many people if they’ve heard of KEXP, and all seemed to respond with enthusiasm and joy - there’s a revelry to it.




The Next Phase?
So, where does KEXP go from here? They began as a local radio station, grew into their own organization, and now stream on multiple platforms worldwide - and all with a still growing audience. And yet, maybe there is nowhere else to grow... maybe they are right where they need to be... or, they’ll be on Mars with the rest of us in the near future. No matter how they continue to progress, it is comforting to know that they always will. KEXP is down to earth, chill, and won’t be recumbent anytime soon. So tune in and experience live music right from your living room - I can assure you that you won’t be tuning out!

Topics: Podcasts, Monthly Topics

About the Author

Jackson Richardson

I'm an alligator! I'm a momma-poppa comin' for you ;)

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