The Expert Of Armchair

by Morgan Loughner | April 7, 2020

The podcast that talks about individuals and their stories


Armchair Experts, so excited to talk about this podcast. So it seems to be that I like listening to people talk even though I don't really talk much about myself to begin with. How ironic. Anyways, I have been on the search lately for a podcast that I could listen to while working, where it isn't too distracting but entertaining enough to keep my interest. So far "Armchair Experts" by Dax Shepard seems to be the one, even though I'm only on episode 4 which is about 495 minutes worth of my time or 8.25 hours. Armchair Experts is about Dax Shepard talking to guests that will be brought on to his podcast to be questioned and conversed with on almost any subject. He has a wide variety of featured guests so you don't have to listen to each one in order but pick a guest that you may recognize. Now for me, I'm clueless on almost anyone who is famous so to hear more about their lives makes them feel more understandably human and perhaps maybe any die hard fan might enjoy hear more about that individual instead of just idolizing them too.

There is more to this podcast then just talking, apparently Dax Shepard has a co-host named Monica Padman. I don't know much about Monica Padman but it seems she is there on the podcast to set anyone straight about their references which is a lot of hard work to check-reference anything quoted by Dax and his guests but is a major benefit for anyone listening. Ultimately limiting the lovely telephone effect when people pass on information and that information just becomes incorrect.


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(Besides sounding like an ad) I found out recently that Armchair Experts is not only on Spotify for free but on Youtube as well, however, don't get your hopes up because those are just images/slideshow instead of an actual video. I was so hoping to see their reactions to some of the question asked to guests because to me it would have been more interactive. To bad that I was bamboozled. Out of the 193 episodes, my latest episode that I'm listening to is Emilia Clarke and that is about 142 minutes long. I keep going back to it and listen to Emilia's different perspectives considering she doesn't have the same cultural background as myself and I believe that is what draws me in like a moth to a flame. There are things that I don't know or understand to a point so when that topic is brought up in the podcast and the guest or host give me some kind of insight or go more in depth as to why they answered the way that they did is so helpful. It's helpful for me as a person that loves to improve myself.


Topics: Podcasts, Monthly Topics

About the Author

Morgan Loughner

This is what happens when you mix creativity and ambition with a caring, gentle human being that has a funny bone or two. You get Morgan, a Graphic Designer.

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