The ATA Blog

The Everygirl (@theeverygirl) and Instagramming Like a Media Company

Written by Ivy Decker | January 16, 2020

I think I speak for most Instagram users when I say that one of the best feelings in the world is unfollowing the accounts and creators that no longer 'spark joy' in your feed. I'm on the app just about every day both for work at ATA and personal use, and I try to keep my feed as streamlined as possible. Every time I decide to go through and purge my following list, some of the same culprits tend to get the axe: brands that post nothing but thinly-veiled commercials for products I'm not terribly interested in, accounts that I followed to enter a giveaway I didn't end up winning, anyone from high school or college whose posts dont jibe with me anymore.

However, there are certain accounts that always make the cut. Besides friends and the select few influencers I really care to keep up with, Insta-famous cat accounts, and pages full of memes about Star Wars or The Office, many of my favorite Instagram creators are blogs-turned-media-companies that I love staying up to date with. One of the creators that I think has this strategy nailed down is the account for The Everygirl (@theeverygirl).

The Everygirl is a lifestyle blog that covers topics from fashion to mental health to politics that are relevant to modern women or anyone who wants to learn and be inspired. One of the main ways they share their content with their audience is through daily Instagram posts. For each article, The Everygirl posts a photo to Instagram with a caption that sums it up. From there, they make it easy to find the post you're looking for using the link in their bio. With two clicks, you can locate and read the entire post, all without leaving the app.

Because Instagram doesn't allow hyperlinks within posts on the feed, the fact that The Everygirl makes it so easy to find the content that catches my eye on Instagram is a huge plus. And even if I'm not in the mood or don't have the time to read the full post at the given moment, following The Everygirl on Instagram gives me a sneak peek into the articles I have to look forward to when I get updates by email. Because the Instagram feed tells me everything that's new on the blog, I never miss an article I'm interested in.

However, The Everygirl's Instagram does more than just funnel me to their blog posts. Their feed is active every single day, and the team posts other images and quotes that aren't necessarily tied to posts on their blog but that are still interesting to me as part of their target audience. Using the same editorial voice and covering topics that I'm interested in are ways The Everygirl keeps me involved with their brand while I'm scrolling through Instagram.

The brand also uses the same sort of post balance on Instagram stories as well as on their page, meaning that whichever type of post I'm in the mood to peruse, I can still stay in touch with The Everygirl. Additionally, the brand's use of the stories function for more in-the-moment type content, like following one of their team members to the grocery store or watching interviews with successful career women conducted by the blog's editors, makes me feel like I have a more personal connection with the staff of the blog in addition to just the blog itself.

My favorite thing about following The Everygirl on Instagram is the feeling that the people who produce the content are just like me. They're interested in the same topics I'm interested in, they write about things that are relevant to my life, they use photography that speaks to me and brings joy to my Instagram feed, and they give me advice and inspiration that applies to my life.

In light of all that, I would say that The Everygirl does an incredible job of forging connections with their target audience, which I'm happy to be a part of. This type of consistent and engaging communication is what allows their Instagram to enhance my entire perception of the brand.