The ATA Blog

Cheez-It Snap'd and Absurdity in Marketing

Written by Carter Hartong | June 4, 2020

Cheez-It's newest commercial is titled, "Gary Made Something TOO Good." This ad takes place in a focus group in which participants are taste testing a new product, Cheez-It Snap'd. Initially, what the focus group participants are saying is not uncommon for the setting. One woman describes the snack as "thin, crispy, and cheesy."

HOW the woman is describing the cheesy cracker, however, is truly ridiculous. Her tone and energy also begins to send the commercial down an absurd path. In the blink of an eye, all of the members of the focus group begin freaking out over the Cheez-Its. Bags are being torn open, fights are taking place, and it is one hilarious scene.

When the chaos is at its peak, the moderator of the focus group presses up against the two-way mirror and says to two men in lab coats, "They love them. They love them TOO much!"

The ad ends with a red screen (a shade closely related with the snack company) and the ridiculous copy, "So good, we may run out of cheese."

Obviously, absurdity in marketing is nothing new. In fact, it has certainly been a trend in recent years — ads for Doritos or Skittles come to mind instantly. Exploring the goofy or illogical in advertisements is a great way to grab the attention of the viewer. It also adds levity and humor to the message you are trying to convey. Absurdity is a strong tactic, but only if it fits with your brand. Obviously, a law firm with a funny and nonsensical ad would likely lose some of its credibility.

What is admirable about the new Cheez-It ad is not only the silliness but how this humor is contrasted by clean, professional production. The commercial is shot incredibly well, with clever use of color and sleek set design. These visual clues offer much needed sense of credibility, given the nature of the dialogue and performances. Cheez-It may run out of cheese, but they don't seem to be running out of funny and creative ads anytime soon.